Synkrosoft continues to operate normally. Orders and queries will be facilitated and your purchase delivered.


Wear long sleeves.

Keep your hair together. Avoid wearing make-up, jewelry and creams.

Put on your mask right before you leave.

Try not to use public transportation.

If you take your pet out, avoid it brushing against surfaces.

Use disposable tissues on “high touch” areas.

Dispose of any tissue you have used properly and safely.

Do not cough or sneeze into the air or in your hands. Use a tissue and dispose of it immediately and properly in a bin.

If you have to use cash for transactions, sanitize your hands afterwards.

Wash your hands or use an alcohol based (at least 70%) hand rub.

Do not touch your face unless your hands are clean.

Practice Social Distancing.

Avoid touching anything or anyone upon entering your home.

Remove your shoes. If possible, have separate footwear for inside and outside.

Disinfect your pet’s paws before entering.

Remove your clothes/outer garments. Place them in the laundry to be washed.

Leave backpacks, handbags, keys and wallet a in container near your door. Sterilize them with disinfectant spray or proper cleaning solution.

Have a shower. If you are unable to, clean all exposed areas such as face, neck, hands, legs, etc.

Sterilize glasses and mobile phones with a dry cloth and alcohol.

Clean all the surfaces of what you have taken inside with proper bleach solution – one unit of bleach to same unit of water 9 times. Remember to use gloves.

Carefully remove and dispose of gloves. Wash your hands.

Remember, these are measures to minimize the risk of infection. Be safe, everyone!
Frequently Asked Questions
When your package arrives, we recommend washing your hands before meeting. Receive it by staying at a distance of 6 feet from the delivery personnel. After receiving and opening your package, wash your hands. Where possible, sterilize the product.
We recommend having cash as an alternative payment should Point of Sale machines not be in working condition due to changes in banking operations.
To date, there are no reported cases of transmission of the virus through merchandise or products. The World Health Organization (WHO) indicates that the possibility of the contamination of a package is very low.
We recommend hand washing before and after handling your package.
All GOJ stipulations relating to COVID-19 will be adhered to, including areas under quarantine or curfew. Arrangements to meet to pick up your delivery can be made. We deliver via bearer and Knutsford Express.
Be in the Know
For more information, see websites below:
The total number of confirmed COVID-19 cases in Jamaica now stands at 47,572 (Update May 18, 2021).